Lumen Christi Catholic High School celebrated commencement at the school gymnasium in Anchorage on May 9, a celebration for the 11 graduates of the class of 2024 as the 26th class to graduate from Lumen.
The class of 2024 brought in collectively $4 million in scholarships and grants for their college educations. Another impressive accomplishment: completing 730 hours of public service to others. The class took part in winning two state championships, including the girls’ basketball team’s first 1A state championship in program history.
Archbishop Andrew Bellisario, C.M. kicked off commencement with an opening prayer after graduates were seated. Liz Loeffler was invited to give the keynote address.
Loeffler, director of faith formation at the Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau, dedicated a poem, “The Pocket in My Heart,” to the graduates, offering an analogy for what the graduates carry with them in life.
“Each of you has a pocket in your heart. How you use what is in it makes all the difference,” Loeffler told the class. “In your heart’s pocket is the knowledge of who you are. You are not here by accident. In fact, you have been sent by Christ with a purpose. It might be way down in your pocket, and you might have not fully discovered it yet. In fact, it will probably unfold slowly for you as a tiny seed.”
The contents of the pocket include grace for each encounter. Truth, to give steadiness and to be unoffended. Self-regard for taking care of every part of yourself.
“Take care of your body, mind, spirit. And finally, be humble and bold. Yes, you can be both at the same time… Begin with love. End with love. Share what you carry in the pocket of your heart and you will be fruitful and joyful even in the midst of your most difficult times,” Loeffler said.
Mia Sperbeck was the class valedictorian. She reminisced about their shared experiences. For many in the class, that journey began six years ago in the 7th grade. She commented on the excellence of their education on the part of PhD-level staff and teachers.
“The work they invested in us to help prepare for the future, guide us along our paths, and selflessly impart their faith, wisdom, and encouragement can’t be measured,” Sperbeck said. “We have been taught to think critically, ethically, and compassionately… We now have this incredible army of people who truly believe that we can go on and do great things.”
During her high school years, Sperbeck swam with the Dimond High School Swim Team where she helped win two state championships and helped break five high school records. At Willamette University, she plans to major in pre-law.
“The world awaits,” Sperbeck said. “And I have no doubt that every one of you will leave an indelible mark on it. As Mother Teresa said, ‘Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.’”
Kateri Everard is 2024 class salutatorian. She holds the title of Fur Rendezvous Sweetheart Princess 2024 and has been a competitive Irish dancer for 10 years and participated with the Dimond High Theatre group. From junior high, when many in the class graduated from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Catholic School to Lumen Christi, the school days were not what students expected, Everard said in her commencement address.
“It was a time of nervousness – and a pandemic.” The students were greeted by half-days of class, plastic dividers, and masks. Everard joked about the “short” theology lessons from Father Tom Lilly and “short” Masses by him as well.
“As life returned to relative normalcy during our sophomore year, we finally returned to more normal activities including mixed classes and starting up school clubs again,” Everard said. “Gradually, joyous noises and laughter returned to our campus: laughing while we pied seniors, playing kickball, playing lunch trivia, enjoying proms and homecoming. The only good ‘surviving’ tradition from Covid is the Senior Drive-By during graduation week. This is a fun tradition that I am glad we have continued. As a senior, you are so excited to see all the cars come through with students who are honking and cheering you on as you move to a new part of your life.”
Principal Brian Ross, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis and a former U.S. Marine officer, spoke to the class in mariner terms, exhorting them to follow the words of St. Pope John Paul II: “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
“You are ready to pull anchor, trim your sails… let your nets down. And I really pray you have better weather than you do on your graduation day,” Ross told them.
Snow fell outside on this May graduation.
Graduates also include Walter Webb, Andrew Butcher, Riley Gross, Colin Murkowski, Kennedy Thimsen, Sophia Turner, Verity Pendergast, Luka Hart, and Ben Medland. Kennedy’s mother graduated from Lumen Christi in 2000. In commemoration, Kennedy wore her mother’s graduation gown.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton graduated 19 students from the sixth grade, many of them on their way to Lumen Christi High School.
The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School sixth-grade celebration was held on Tuesday, May 21. The event began at 6 p.m. at the school and included a Mass followed by a reception in the gym.
“Our 19 graduates have demonstrated leadership, service, and commitment during their final year at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton School. From annual events like the Halloween Carnival, Spaghetti Dinner, various music programs, and Faith in Action projects, our students have developed a sense of faith, family, and excellence that will last a lifetime,” wrote Nicole Branch, the school’s administrator.
As part of the school tradition, the fifth-grade class decorated, served, and presented the sixth graders with a small gift during the reception. A favorite part of the reception is the slide show that is put together of pictures throughout their years at SEAS.
Our Lady of the Valley Catholic School celebrated 8th grade graduation on May 21 at the school. Five graduates are Preston Morrison, Giana Taliai, Daisy Gerteisen, Cale McArthur, and Angelo Alphonso.
'Catholic school graduates ready to serve Christ'
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